Our Team Gökhan Depo Master of Arts, Project AssistantContact person for the projectgokhan.depo@e2.fi+358 41 314 3406@gokhandepo Mari K. Niemi Doctor of Social Sciences, Docent, Project Directormari.k.niemi@e2.fi+44 773 7161 944@MariKNiemi Matti Välimäki Doctor of Social Sciencesmatti.valimaki@e2.fi+358 50 5430 191@mtaval Roosa Veijola Master of Artsroosa.veijola@e2.fi+358 41 3142 421@roosajemina Ville Pitkänen Doctor of Social Sciences, Docentville.pitkanen@e2.fi+358 40 7770 869@vipepister